100% Natural biological remediation of sewage effluent and industrial waste water
FOG REMOVAL IN STP - Hawston South Africa
The Hawston WWTP was struggling to achieve General Limit Discharge specifications.
The WWTP had a thick FOG layer build up which cleared up 2 days after applying SEWAGEX in the Aerator Pond.
DO(Dissolved Oxygen) levels were very low due to aerator malfunction - 0,22 mg/litre which indicates SEWAGEX bacteria can operate in WWTP’s without adequate aeration.
SEWAGEX was dosed into the Aeration Tank to solve the FOG crust layer build up.
pH improved from 7.40 to 8.67.
Settleable Solids went from 1000 ml/l down to <0,10ml/l.
Algae had built up in Final Effluent tank due to aerator malfunction and low DO (Dissolved Oxygen) levels of 0,22mg/l.
TKN went down from 106 to Not Detected - IN SPEC.
Ammonia Nitrogen went down from 94,9 mg/l to 3,7mg/l - IN SPEC
Nitrates , Nitrates IN SPEC
Total Phosphate went down from 13,6 mg/l to Not Detected - IN SPEC
The plant was not being dosed with Chlorine at the time as can be seen from the low Total Chlorine levels